You've found my home in Cyberspace and I hope you enjoy your visit. Inside, you'll find information about my 7-book double series and meet the 4 main characters who will join you on your journey of mystery and adventure. You'll also learn about 2 future projects that are currently "works in progress." So, let's "dive" right in (more about that later) and get started. If you're ready to start reading, simply click the button below to order any of my novels in Kindle, eBook or paperback format.

Join Frank Morton and friends on their mysterious adventures in Mexico, Japan and the Caribbean.

In this series, each of the main characters from 'Seeds' gets their own book - and their own adventure.

(Coming soon!) The adventures continue as humans and a pod of dolphin team up to do some good in the world.

(Coming soon!) Twenty years after Frank Morton's mysterious disappearance, his nephew rediscoveries his hidden secrets.

"Take a little of Graham' Hancock's theories on Earth's ancient civilizations, mix in some Clive Cussler-type adventure and action, put on your scuba gear and grab your archaeological text books. Let me see, that's one part action, one part speculative fiction, one part underwater adventure, one part ... aw, heck, don't classify it, just read it!"
Larry Ketchersid, author of Dusk Before the Dawn